Monday, September 15, 2008

September 2008

Gentlemen and Ladies,

It's been just over a week since our September "business" meeting, and I wanted to pass along the results of our discussion and invite any further feedback.

First things first, of course, I would be a poor host not to thank all of you who attended and provided your earnest opinions.

The salient points of the conversation were:
  • On the matter of continuing to use the forums versus a static website and communicate by regular email, there was near unanimous agreement that  communication by email is the simplest and most familiar means available.  Members want to be notified by email, and have access to the results list, and potentially the overall calendar, online.  In addition to this being perceived the easiest communication mechanism, an added benefit we could worry less about managing those allowed to contribute and not have to monitor for potentially offensive content.  I will communicate the concept discussed, with JB, our ardent Web Master.
  • On the matter of forming a Program Committee: PK, the Big Yin, and yours truly, will meet as soon as possible to plan the next series of events.  Pierce may attend, and will certainly help develop some signage once we line up our events.  One of our members has offered to put us in contact with a graphic design friend, so it may be that some good artwork if forthcoming. For those who may have forgotten, or who were not around during the formative time, we do have a logo and "club colors"; accepted by vote in December of 2006.  I have included these as background to this email, and have sent some samples along to our friend, separately.
  • We discussed, largely as a sidebar, the vision of our organization, and the directive to "turn Rochester into Scotchester" was adopted whole-heartedly.  World domination may come after ...all in due time my friends, all in due time...
  • On a closing note, C---- generated the bright idea to have jerseys/T-shirts made up that would include, on the back: our name / nickname and favorite number, and, on the front: the club's, and perhaps a sponsor's, logo.  I would appreciate feedback on this idea.  If there is widespread interest, I'd like to move quickly to start the process.  If you are interested, please reply and let me know how much you might be willing to pay for something like this, or if you have another idea for the "Club Store".

So much for promptly distributing the minutes of the business meeting, but there they are never-the-less.  You'll be hearing from me again before too much longer, so without further delay...


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